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авторская лирика Фёдора Хром


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"Paradise lost"

(Part 1: The Lost Paradise)

Waves are shining on sun with a crystal blue light,
A new dawn to the east means an end to calm night,
Water indolent licks sleepy shore of fine sand –
It’s another rebirth to this wondrous small land.

Sun has risen up high, lazy birds start to sing,
Verdure so fresh and bright! Nature without sin!
Every side, where you glance, is so pretty and nice!
It is hard to believe, it’s the Lost Paradise!

In this corner of heart, perfect place for all live,
If we step in the depths, if in forest we dive,
A society’s seen without anger or gibe,
With no baseness or lies – there settled a tribe.

Isolated they live and they happy with this;
No costs, no wars – no social disease.
Paradise they live in, perhaps, one, we have lost…
And the glitter of waves, and fine sand on the coast…

(Part 2: The dead sun)

Once a dawn came up late with the sun strange, dark red –
Virgin Nature in fright, seeing sun that is… dead.
Worried cries of the birds, wilted plants lonely stand,
Storming sea, a strong wind and the waves knock hard land.

The wise elder of tribe gathered men near rill
To say what was the truth, to say what he did feel:
“Sun has shown the end, our time now is up”, -
Then he leaned over rill and made gently last sup.

Metal monsters soon came from dark water and sky,
Their roar has drowned every scared bird cry.
Monsters landed and spread all around the land,
Leaving course, rough footprints on the mild, fine sand.

Terminate if it lives! Terminate, hearing breath!
Thus the island is set. It is set up to death…
The small tribe has erased, blood mixed water in rill,
But it soon disappeared, and has calmed down the reel.

(Part 3: The Paradise lost)

There’re running machines, concrete towers are built.
Every newcomer knows nothing ‘bout they killed;
They are interested not, what was here before,
Cause they living suit lives, pretty good – so what for?

Waves still shining on sun with a misty blue light,
A new dawn to the East means an end to dark night.
People are getting up with a feeling of host
And they do never care that they Paradise lost…

(c) by Fjodor Chrome in 2003.

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